mun. Galați, str. Leonard Nae, nr. 21 | mun. Tecuci, str. 1 Decembrie 1918 nr.124

Galați: +40 758 888 500 l Tecuci: +40 752 111 120

Galați: +40 758 888 500

Tecuci: +40 752 111 120


1. General conditions

     1. This Policy establishes the procedure for the processing and protection of the Company: Dental Clinic & Laboratory SRL (hereinafter - Dental Clinic Lab) of information about the natural person (hereinafter "User") that can be obtained by Dental Clinic Lab when The user uses services / goods through the website, services, programs used by him.

     2. The purpose of this Policy is to ensure the protection of personal information that the user provides in connection with the use of the site, the services or during the registration process and the purchase of goods / services.

     3. The collection, storage, distribution and protection of information provided by the User are protected by this Policy, by other official documents of Dental Clinic Lab and by the current legislation of Romania. Dental Clinic Lab is entitled to store, on any kind of support, the collected personal data.

     4. By registering on the Site and using the Site and Services, the User expresses his agreement with the terms of this Policy. By registering on the site and selecting the appropriate options, the user agrees to receive advertising and / or informational correspondence via SMS messages, e-mail messages or phone calls. Any operation or set of operations on personal data, is carried out by automatic or non-automatic means, such as collection, registration, organization, storage, adaptation or modification, extraction, consultation, communication to third parties by transmission, dissemination or in any other mode, joining or combining, blocking, erasing or destroying them.         

    5. Consent regarding the processing of personal data may be withdrawn at any time by the subject of the personal data. Withdrawal of consent cannot have retroactive effect.         

    6. In case of disagreement of the User in receiving information from Dental Clinic Lab, the User can unsubscribe from correspondence:

▪ făcând clic pe Dezabonare din partea de jos a mesajului,
▪ in the website's personal account, by removing previously selected options;
▪ by sending a notification by e-mail to or by calling our call center +40758888500         

    7. The request to unsubscribe is processed in a maximum of 48 hours.


2. Purpose of collection, processing and storage of information provided by website users         

     1. The processing of the User's personal data is carried out in accordance with Romanian legislation. Dental Clinic Lab processes the User's personal data to:
▪ identification of the party within the agreements and contracts concluded with Dental Clinic Lab;
▪ provision of goods / services to the User, access to the Site, Services;
▪ communication with the User, sending transaction letters to the User at the time of receiving the request of
▪ registration on the Website or receiving payment from the User, sending notifications, requests to the User;
▪ sending advertising and/or informational messages to the User (SMS messages, e-mail messages, other types of electronic messages);
▪ the verification, research and analysis of this data, which allows the maintenance and improvement of the services and sections of the website, as well as the development of new services and sections of the website;
▪ conducting statistical studies and other studies based on anonymous data.


3. Conditions for processing personal information provided by the User and its transfer to third parties               

    1. Dental Clinic Lab takes all necessary measures to protect the user's personal data from unauthorized access, modification, disclosure or destruction.         

    2. Dental Clinic Lab provides access to the User's personal data only to those employees and Affiliates who need this information to ensure the operation of the Site.         

     3. Dental Clinic Lab has the right to use the information provided by the User, including personal data, to ensure compliance with the requirements of the legislation in force in Romania (including for the prevention and / or prevention of illegal and / or illegal actions of the Users). The disclosure of the information provided by the User can only be done in accordance with the current legislation of Romania at the request of the court as well as in other cases provided by the legislation in force.         

    4. Dental Clinic Lab does not verify the veracity of the information provided by the User. The user takes care of updating the previously sent information when such a need arises (change of phone number, change of email)


4. Terms of use of the website, Services         

     1. The User, when using the Site, confirms that:
▪ has all the necessary rights that allow him to register (create an account) and use the Site services;
▪ indicates truthful information about it in the mandatory quadrants of the Site, all other information is at the discretion of the User.
▪ is familiar with this policy, expresses agreement with it and assumes the rights and obligations specified herein. Familiarization with the terms of this Policy and ticking the link to this Policy is the User's written consent to the collection, storage, processing and transfer to third parties of the personal data provided by the User.               

    2. Dental Clinic Lab does not verify the accuracy of the information received (collected) about the Users, except in cases where such clarification is necessary to fulfill the obligations towards the User.


5. In this policy, "User's personal information" means:         

    1. Data provided by the User independently: name, surname, mobile phone number and / or email address, date of birth, hometown and about the type of activity.         

    2. Data that is automatically transmitted to the System during its use using the software installed on the device
 of the user, including IP address, cookie information, information about the user's browser (or other program that allows access to the Services), access time, the address of the requested page.


6. Modification and deletion of personal data         

   1. The user can at any time change (update, complete) the personal information provided by him, as well as the privacy parameters. Dental Clinic Lab is not responsible for non-receipt of advertisements, goods / services, etc.         

   2. The user can also delete the personal information provided to them in a particular account. In this case, deleting an account may result in the inability to use certain Services.


7. Modification of Privacy Policy. Dental Clinic Lab has the right to make changes to this privacy policy. When changes are made to the current edition, the date of the last update is indicated. The new version of the policy takes effect from the moment of its publication. The current policy is always on the site.

8. Feedback. Questions and suggestions. Any suggestions or questions about this policy should be reported to the service of Dental Clinic Lab assistance by e-mail or by phone at +40758888500 or by letter recommended to the address: Postal code- 800297, Galati. Nae Leonard str., no. 21, bl R1, ground floor.